St George Leagues Club $4,000月賽馬上開始啦! 在3月1日 至3月31日期間完成13場St George比賽即可參加 $4,000 月賽。
NEW SEASON! St George Leagues Club's New $4,000 Venue Final starts soon! Play 13 games between 1 Mar to 31 Mar at St George Leagues Club to qualify!
See website for more information
124 Princes Hwy, Kogarah NSW 2217
$50,000 Mahjong Championships Qualification Starts NOW!
From 1 February to 31 May, you can qualify for our $50,000 Mahjong Championships by simply playing:
- 50 games qualifies for Silver status– Compete for $10,000 cash prizes
- 100 games qualifies for Gold status - Compete for the above plus an additional $20,000 cash prizes - totalled $30,000 in CASH!
- 150 games qualifies for Platinum status - Gain access to all CASH prize pools ($10k + $20k + $20k) totalled of $50,000 in CASH plus an exclusive invitation to the VIP party.
Qualifying is much more achievable than it looks! Here are some tips:
Play 3/6/9 games a week to qualify for Silver/Gold/Platinum respectively.
Take it one week at a time and unlock bigger prizes! Start playing from 1st February and aim for the top!
$50,000 麻將錦標賽
我們隆重宣布舉辦總值 50,000 澳元的麻將錦標賽,並提供令人難以置信的現金獎勵和獨家福利。準備好展示您的麻將技巧並贏得大獎!
• 玩50 場:可以參加10,000 澳元的現金獎金池的比賽。
• 玩100 場:參加上述10,000 澳元比賽並可以參加20,000 澳元獎金池的比賽。 (10,000 澳元 + 20,000 澳元)
• 玩 150 場:可以參加所有比賽,獎金池(10,000 澳元 + 20,000 澳元 + 20,000 澳元共5萬澳元)和專屬 VIP 派對。
從 2 月 1 日開始,目標是150場!
在2月1日至5月31日期間打麻將即可解鎖不同程度獎勵。打得愈多, 獎金愈多!
- 50 場 — 可解鎖$10,000 現金獎池
- 100 場— 可解鎖以上及另外$20,000現金獎池總共 $30,000現金
- 150 場 — 可解鎖所有獎池包括$10,000+$20,000+專屬$20,000現金獎池總共$50,000現金及專屬 VIP 派對
似難實易! 每星期6 場可以解鎖$30,000獎池;9場已經可以解鎖全部!
川麻血战到底終於要來到HURSTVILLE RSL啦! 每周三 免费入场 总奖金 $1,500
就火車站走不到1分鐘距離, 不打也該來看看湊湊熱鬧吧!
Sichuan Mahjong finally arrived at HURSTVILLE RSL! Free Entry; Prize Pool $1,500
Right next to train station. Come and join the excitement!
Club Blacktown New $2,500 Venue Final qualification starts tomorrow! Play 6 games between 19 Mar and 28 May to qualify!
Club Blacktown 新賽季又開始啦!在3月19 - 5月28期間完成6場比賽即可參加$2,500 雙月賽!