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BAIDA TILES (Wild Cards):
Baida tiles can be used as substitutes for any tiles in a hand however must be concealed. East wind player shall roll one die after the initial deal and, counting from the end of the wall, turn over the tile corresponding to the number on the die. This tile and the next tile in the suit shall be Baida tiles.
A player must win by self-draw unless there are no Baida tiles in hand or it is a concealed hand.
If a player discards a Baida tile, this tile will no longer be considered a Baida tile and will be taken at face value.Other players can “Chow” this discarded tile using non-Baida tiles.However, Baida tiles cannot be used to "Chow", "Pong" or "Kong".
WINNING HANDS: (up to 320 points)
1. MIXED ONE-SUIT (40 points):
2. PURE ONE-SUIT (100 points):
3. NINE-TILE STRAIGHT (40 points):
7. Thirteen Terminals (200 points):
SPECIAL BONUS: (basic winning hand + special bonus, up to 480 points)
BIG CRANE (100 points): A player has "Chow”, “Pong”, or "Kong" 4 times and has only one concealed tile left. If this player wins, the Big Crane bonus shall apply. However, if this player has discarded a Baida tile during the hand, then the Big Crane bonus is 10 points only.
NO BAIDA (10 points): A player wins a hand without any Baida tile.
FOUR BAIDA (10 points): A winning hand that contains four or more Baida tiles.
BAIDA DRAGON (30 points): A player wins with a dragon that contains Baida tiles, in which the Baida must be the same suit as the dragon. This only applies when the Baida tiles are bamboo, circle or character tiles.
For example: if Baida tiles areand
, Baida Dragon can be:
WIN ON KONG (10 points): Self-draw win on a “supplement” tile after declaring a Kong.
ROBBING A KONG (10 points): A player wins a hand by robbing another player’s Kong (Concealed Kong cannot be robbed).
FINAL DRAW (10 points):Self-draw win on the last tile.
FINAL DISCARD (10 points): Winning on the last discarded tile.
FOUR KONGS (400 points): A player wins after declaring four Kongs. (Big Crane bonus has been included.)
BLESSING OF HEAVEN / BLESSING OF EARTH (200 points): East player wins on initial 14 tiles. Or a non-East player wins on East’s first discard.
Special Hand:
Seven Baida (480 points): Player may declare a self-draw win immediately after collecting all 7 Baida tiles. (no extra bonus applies)
*All decisions made by a Tournament Supervisor are final and binding.